Saturday, January 6, 2007


Hi. Again.

The answer to the riddle is (drumroll):


It's "hi" in the middle and Os are round.

Now, here's the next 2 riddles:
Bob the gaurd is on duty on this huge castle and he falls asleep. In his dream, He saw two men planting a bomb outside of the castle. He wakes up and tells the king. The bomb was there. The King thanked him, but then told Bob that he was fired.


Johnny's mom had 4 sons. Three are Penny, Nickel, and Dime. What is the last one's name?


Happy riddling


jethrojones said...

I think the first one has something to do with the king wanting the bomb to be there.

The last son's name is Junior

Reuel and Ana said...

He was fired because he was asleep on the job.
the last sons name is quarter.
very good blog Eli the riddles are funny. I love you
Granddad Jones

Jay said...

Answer to #1 is because he fell asleep on the job.

Answer to #2 is Johnny.

Jayni and Jake said...

HEy E,

Love your BLOG!!! Jake said he fell asleep on the job for the first one & I think the next one is I right???

Jayni Carlton